Essentials in Travel

Your passport is only one of the few essential things you must remember to bring along with you when…

The Lightness of Travel

Always travel light. We all know about traveling light. Just pack the few essentials. No more. No less. It…

Should You Work With a Travel Agency?

There is a growing trend in travel nowadays. Travel agencies have also increased proportionally since its inception. Number of travel agencies in recent years however shows the industry’s success is dwindling. You may wonder what is a travel agency exactly and how do they work? During pre-war, mostly travel agencies catered to middle and upper class travelers. However, a boom in mass-market holidays was seen after the war. The modern travel agency was first established in the…

What You Need to Know in Getting a Travel Insurance

There is a variety of travel insurance that is available for you. Your personal insurance carrier, your credit card company, travel agents and specialists all offer different forms of travel insurance. Sometimes your auto or health insurance or your credits already cover travel insurance related to your vacation. Now, this poses question of when should you ensure and which should you choose. There are three major types of travel insurance. The first type is the medical coverage.…

Travel Light Travel Right

Travel is all about packing light. It’s not a good idea to cram as much as you can carry on your backpack when you go off to new places. The first rule is always to pack just enough to last you a few days. Unless you enjoy lugging around bags that weigh a ton, bringing along just a few choice articles of clothing is better. You’re better off not packing three sneakers, your two boots or those…

Online Travel Agents vs. High Street Travel Agents

Once upon a time, when people wanted to book a holiday they went to see the travel agent. Usually found on a high street with heavy pedestrian traffic, the travel agent was the start of vacation dreams for several decades – until a new, flashier kid arrived on the block. With the advent of the internet age, life for travel agents and holidaymakers changed forever. Now, we can go online and find the best deals to suit…

Travel Advice: Emergency Contact List

When going on vacation, part of the fun is unleashing yourself from the bonds of home life and responsibilities. However, there is still a little bit of home you should always take with you: your emergency contact list. The following is a list of numbers you should ensure you take with you every time you go on vacation. If possible, take three copies of the list: keep one in your purse or wallet, one in your hotel…