Category Archives: Travel Planning

Should You Work With a Travel Agency?

There is a growing trend in travel nowadays. Travel agencies have also increased proportionally since its inception. Number of travel agencies in recent years however shows the industry’s success is dwindling. You may wonder what is a travel agency exactly and how do they work? During pre-war, mostly travel agencies catered to middle and upper…

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What You Need to Know in Getting a Travel Insurance

There is a variety of travel insurance that is available for you. Your personal insurance carrier, your credit card company, travel agents and specialists all offer different forms of travel insurance. Sometimes your auto or health insurance or your credits already cover travel insurance related to your vacation. Now, this poses question of when should…

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Survive The Travel Agent Hard-Sell

Estate agents have a worldwide reputation for exaggerating the good points of something they are trying to sell and downplaying the bad – but they’re not alone. This ‘selective editing’ tactic is used by any professional company trying to sell something; the trick is to learn to see through their statements and find the truth.…

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