Category Archives: Travel Tips

Adventure Travel for the Free-Spirited Individual

Adventure tourism is now one of the fastest growing trends in travel business. A plethora of travel companies now offer adventure vacations, and maybe it’s a good fit for you! Classifying an adventure travel however pose a little difficulty in defining what exactly it means. Adventure travel depends on the level of strenuousness of activities…

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Three Unusual Tourist-Friendly Destinations

When traveling a trip to Europe, certain countries naturally suggest themselves to your itinerary Everyone wants to visit the usual places; Italy, Spain, France, England, Holland and the Czech Republic. All of the aforementioned have a city, tourist attraction or night life that is tempting to any possible tourist. However, if you limit yourself to…

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How To Survive An Airplane Journey With A Small Child

Taking children on an airplane journey can be a nightmare – particularly if it’s long haul – for both you, the parent, and any fellow passengers. Children are easily bored, and when the novelty of being in the air wears off, you will most likely find yourself with an overly energetic child trapped in a…

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