Author Archives: Paula

Should You Work With a Travel Agency?

There is a growing trend in travel nowadays. Travel agencies have also increased proportionally since its inception. Number of travel agencies in recent years however shows the industry’s success is dwindling. You may wonder what is a travel agency exactly and how do they work? During pre-war, mostly travel agencies catered to middle and upper…

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What You Need to Know in Getting a Travel Insurance

There is a variety of travel insurance that is available for you. Your personal insurance carrier, your credit card company, travel agents and specialists all offer different forms of travel insurance. Sometimes your auto or health insurance or your credits already cover travel insurance related to your vacation. Now, this poses question of when should…

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Adventure Travel for the Free-Spirited Individual

Adventure tourism is now one of the fastest growing trends in travel business. A plethora of travel companies now offer adventure vacations, and maybe it’s a good fit for you! Classifying an adventure travel however pose a little difficulty in defining what exactly it means. Adventure travel depends on the level of strenuousness of activities…

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How to Pack Wisely: Tips for Frequent Travelers

Aside from booking airfare tickets, packing up is one of the most challenging tasks that savvy travelers have to endure. Well, this applies to almost everyone, except for those who squeeze a year’s worth of stuff in their bags for a weeklong holiday vacation. On the other hand, some travelers pack too lightly, so much…

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